Important Dates
Submission Deadline
June 30, 2022
Full Paper Submission Deadline
November 9, 2022
Notification of Recommendation for Acceptance of Revised Full-Length Paper
February 19, 2023
Final Revised Paper Submission
March 22, 2023
The conference will be of primary interest to researchers, design engineers and users operating in the field of turbomachinery.
It is intended to be a key event for technology transfer across Europe through the presentation of the latest developments and best practices.
Following the successful first fourteen conferences on turbomachinery held in:
ETC 01 | Erlangen (DE) | 1995 |
ETC 02 | Antwerpen (BE) | 1997 |
ETC 03 | London (GB) | 1999 |
ETC 04 | Florence (IT) | 2001 |
ETC 05 | Prague (CZ) | 2003 |
ETC 06 | Lille (FR) | 2005 |
ETC 07 | Athens (GR) | 2007 |
ETC 08 | Graz (AT) | 2009 |
ETC 09 | Istanbul (TR) | 2011 |
ETC 10 | Lappeenranta (FI) | 2013 |
ETC 11 | Madrid (ES) | 2015 |
ETC 12 | Stockholm (SE) | 2017 |
ETC 13 | Lausanne (CH) | 2019 |
ETC 14 | Gdansk (PL) | 2021 |
The fifteenth will take place in Budapest (HU) 24-28 April 2023
The conference will be
of primary interest to researchers, design engineers and users operating in the field of turbomachinery.
It is intended to be a key event for technology transfer across Europe through the presentation
of the latest developments and best practices.
Following the successful first fourteen conferences on turbomachinery held in:
ETC 01 | Erlangen (DE) | 1995 |
ETC 02 | Antwerpen (BE) | 1997 |
ETC 03 | London (GB) | 1999 |
ETC 04 | Florence (IT) | 2001 |
ETC 05 | Prague (CZ) | 2003 |
ETC 06 | Lille (FR) | 2005 |
ETC 07 | Athens (GR) | 2007 |
ETC 08 | Graz (AT) | 2009 |
ETC 09 | Istanbul (TR) | 2011 |
ETC 10 | Lappeenranta (FI) | 2013 |
ETC 11 | Madrid (ES) | 2015 |
ETC 12 | Stockholm (SE) | 2017 |
ETC 13 | Lausanne (CH) | 2019 |
ETC 14 | Gdansk (PL) | 2021 |
The fifteenth will take place in
Budapest (HU) 24-28 April 2023
Scope statement
The scope of the conference covers from a scientific and engineering perspective, the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of all kind of turbomachinery in the attempt to improve their performance, stability and sustainability characteristics. Of primary interest are the design, the analysis and the operation of axial, mixed flow, radial and unconventional turbomachines:
- Aero-engines and jet engines
- Industrial gas turbines, steam turbines
- Compressors, fans and blowers
- Turbochargers
- Hydraulic turbines and pumps
- Wind and marine turbines
- Aero and marine propellers
Particular attention will be given to the following areas:
Fundamental fluid mechanics
- Turbulent and transitional flows
- Two phase and wet steam flows
- Multiphase flows
- Particle paths, deposition and erosion effects
- Real working fluid flows
Thermodynamics, heat transfer, cooling and leakage
- Heat transfer and turbine cooling
- Turbine internal and external (film) cooling flows and losses
- Effects of rotation, unsteadiness and temperature non uniformities
- Leakage and sealing flows
- Combustor turbine interactions
Unsteady flows and interactions
- Surge, stall and transients
- Rotor-stator interactions and multi-row effects
- Components interactions (combustor/turbine, fan/HPC, HPT/LPT)
- Vibration, forced response, flutter and aero-elasticity
- Separation and cavitation
- Aero-acoustics, noise generation and reduction
Turbomachinery design, performance and operation
- Optimisation techniques and uncertainties quantification
- Design, analysis and optimisation
- Performance predictions
- Active and passive flow control, including MEMS
- Testing, measurement techniques and experimental validation
- Operational experience and performance monitoring
- Diagnostics, deterioration and residual performance/life prediction
New of ETC15
Euroturbo and EVI-GTI have decided to hold The European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC), which is successfully taking place since 1995, as a joint bi-annual event. The 2023 ETC conference will be organised by Euroturbo with the collaboration of EVI-GTI, who will manage and run an additional three days parallel session focused on testing, measurement techniques and experimental validation. Besides the presentation of the papers selected for the conference, this new session will host other presentations and activities, similarly to previous EVI-GTI conferences.
euroturbo conference
The papers should describe new experimental and/or theoretical research emphasizing contributions to theory, design methods and optimisation, reliability and operability aspects, where thermodynamics and/or fluid flow are key issues of the analyzed problem.
For example, the latest experimental and computational developments in the analysis of three dimensional flows, unsteady flows and interaction effects would be of primary interest. Consistent with the objective of European technology exchange, researchers involved in EU R&D programmes are encouraged to take this excellent opportunity to present papers demonstrating the technical progress of their projects.

Papers submission guidelines
Abstracts (1 page) should be uploaded on the society website no later than June 30th 2022 (June 22th 2022). At submission time, authors are requested to indicate the subject category best fitting their paper focus. Formatting guidelines and requirements can be found on the online submission system available at:
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit a full manuscript of up to 12 pages, including references and diagrams, by October 26th 2022. All papers will undergo a thorough review process. The originality of the submitted manuscript will be ascertained with a plagiarism detection device prior to peer review. Final acceptance will depend on Committee decision based on the revised printable file and subject to its receipt by March 22th 2023. Contributors are required to present their paper at the conference.
indexing and awards
Papers accepted for presentation at the Conference will appear in the proceedings published in electronic format by Euroturbo and BME. The proceedings, issued to the participants at the conference, will be indexed by Scopus and will also appear in the Web of Science ISI CPCI. Selected papers of top quality will be offered for publication free of charge in the International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power. All other papers accepted and presented at the conference will appear on the Euroturbo website within 6 months after the conference. The ETC Best Paper Award will be attributed, during the conference, in recognition of excellence among the best contributions.
ET Secretariat – Prof. Marcello Manna
University of Naples “Federico II”, via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy
ph: +39 081 7683287 fax: +39 081 2394165
Exhibition & Sponsorship
A small number of exhibition stands will be available at the Conference site. There will also be a variety of corporate sponsorship opportunities offering substantial promotion and publicity to your organization. If you are interested in receiving details of the exhibition or sponsorship opportunities, please contact the local organizer.
Local Organising Committee
L.O. Chairman
Prof. János Vad
BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics
L.O. Secretary
Dr. Csaba Horváth
Dr. Esztella Balla
BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Indexing, journal, proceedings, repository

Associated organisations
- Association of Czech Mechanical Engineers (CZ)
- Associazione Termotecnica Italiana (ATI) (IT)
- Association Française de Mécanique (AFM) (FR)
- Power Engineering Committee, Polish Acad. of Sciences (PL)
- Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging (BE)
- Institution of Engineers in Ireland (IE)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMEchE) (GB)
- Norsk Forening for Termiske Strømningsmaskiner (NFTS) (NO)
- Österreichischer Ingenieur – und Architekten – Verein (AT)
- Royal Institution of Engineers in The Netherlands (Klvl) (NL)
- Svenska Mekanisters Riskforbund (SE)
- VDI-Gesellschaft Energietechnik (DE)
The European Turbomachinery Society (Euroturbo)
Organising Committee
Chairman of the Committee
Dr. Raúl Vázquez Díaz,
Rolls-Royce (GB)
Local Organising Committee
Prof. János Vad
Paper Review Chairman
Prof. Antoine Dazin,
General Secretary
Prof. Marcello Manna,
University of Naples (IT)
Euroturbo Members
- Prof. T. Arts, von Karman Institute (BE)
- Prof. L.E. Bakken, Norway University of Tech. (NO)
- Prof. G. Barigozzi, University of Bergamo (IT)
- Prof. F.K. Benra, University of Duisburg-Essen (DE)
- Prof. G. Bois, ENSAM- ParisTech, Lille (FR)
- Prof. J. Boudet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (LMFA), Ecully (FR)
- Prof. D. Brillert, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen (DE)
- Prof. R. Corral Garcia, UPM (ES)
- Prof. B. Cukurel, Technion, Haifa (IL)
- Prof. A. Dazin, ENSAM- ParisTech, Lille (FR)
- Prof. P. Doerffer, Polish Academy of Science (PL)
- Dr. M. Dumas, Snecma, SAFRAN, Villaroche (FR)
- Prof. P. Flaszynski, IMP PAN, Gdansk (PL)
- Prof. T. Fransson, Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (SE)
- Prof. V. Gnesin, Nat. Academy Science, Ukraine (UA)
- Dr. A. Granovskiy, Lyulka Design Bureau (RU)
- Prof. V. Gribin, NTU “Moscow Power Institute” (RU)
- Prof. F. Heitmeir, Graz University of Technology (AT)
- Prof. P. Ireland, University of Oxford (GB)
- Prof. A. Kalfas, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR)
- Prof. M. Manna, University of Naples “Federico II” (IT)
- Prof. F. Martelli, University of Florence (IT)
- Prof. K. Mathioudakis, Nat. Tech. University, Athens (GR)
- Prof. R. Miller, University of Cambridge (GB)
- Prof. F. Montomoli, Imperial College of London (GB)
- Prof. R. Niehuis, Universität Bundeswehr München (DE)
- Dr. R. Obertacke, Siemens AG Power & Gas (DE)
- Prof. G. Pavesi, University of Padua (IT)
- Dr. P. Petrie-Repar, Royal Inst. of Technol., Stockholm (SE)
- Prof. J. Polanský, Technical University in Prague (CZ)
- Prof. J.A. Schiffmann, EPFL (CH)
- Prof. J. Seume, Leibniz University of Hannover (DE)
- Prof. S. Shahpar, Rolls-Royce, Derby (GB)
- Prof. C.H. Sieverding, von Karman Institute (BE)
- Prof. S. Spence, Trinity College Dublin (IE)
- Prof. J.E. Teixeira Borges, Instituto Superior Técnico (PT)
- Prof. J. Vad, University of Budapest (HU)
- Prof. J. Van Buijtenen, Delft University of Technology (NL)
- Dr. R. Vázquez Díaz, Rolls-Royce (GB)
- Prof. T. Verstraete, von Karman Inst. for Fluid Dynamics (BE)
- Prof. D. Vogt, Inst. of Thermal Turb., Univ. of Stuttgart (DE)
- Dr. A. Wiedermann, MAN Energy Solutions SE (DE)
EUROTURBO Non-profit Scientific International Organization since 2012 C.F. 94213000485 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy
L. O. Chairman of Conference
Prof. János Vad
BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics
L.O. Secretary
Dr. Csaba Horváth / Dr. Esztella Balla
BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Et secretariat
Prof. Marcello Manna
University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy